Day 79: Koh Lanta on scooter
Claire: We tried to visit the National Park today only to realise you can't drive the scooter round it. And remembering that Gav refuses to do any strenuous activities between the hours of 12-3pm. Sooo we said hello to some monkeys and instead had some fun driving on what seemed like our own private tropical road.
We're both a bit in love with this island. I could blab on about how beautiful and relaxing it is but instead I thought I'd share the post which first tempted our visit.
The sunset tonight was incredible. These are just photos from our phone but the colours were wild. Pretty amazing to watch on the beach with a beer.
We had dinner at Pad Thai Rock N Roll, a casual restaurant owned by Khun Jeab, a Rock 'n' Roll Bass Guitarist. I think it's my best Pad Thai yet!
Gav's day seventy-something takeaway
- Nothing you haven't heard before. Sea, sun, sand, happy times, yadda yadda...