Day 1: Bye Birmingham
18:00 — Check in!
Claire: Mum, Dad and Craig drop us off at the airport... there were many tears (I don't think I've ever gone about a month without seeing my Ma!). We put our giant rucksacks in the hold, mine was 10kg and Gav’s 9kg… can’t believe we’re going to be lugging that weight around for the next 3 months! We’re fuelled with gin and excitement!!!!!
We’re flying Emirates so it’s a big double decker plane. I’d say the flight is only 70% full so we have a row to ourselves which will be handy for sleep time. Bon voyage!
21:00 — We still haven't bloody left.
Claire: Tyre problems! 45 mins on the plane before we even take off.
Gav's takeaway of the day
- We got to the airport on the Hartley family tour bus, check.
- Got bags checked in, check.
- Had G&T at wetherspoons, check.
- Got Claire to departure lounge on time, check.
- Got on plane, check.
- Got excited about all the movies, check.
- Plane takes off, erm... I said "Plane takes off"...