
This is our little diary of a our 99 days travelling South East Asia.

Day 2: Hello Vienna & Dubai...

Day 2: Hello Vienna & Dubai...

11:30 – Land in Vienna! Oh FFS

Claire: A slight panic when you’re watching the live navigation screen and your plane does a u-turn! Especially when there’d been problems with the tyres earlier on. An air hostess runs to the back of the plane to grab what looked like a medical kit. A moment later, the pilot makes an announcement asking if there’s any doctors or paramedics on board to help with an emergency. Thankfully with a plane that big there was help! We were told we’re landing in Vienna “to save a passengers life”. 

Such a surreal moment when the plane lands and there’s completely stillness. I’m so used to seatbelts coming off, people jumping up, chatting, movement and mobile phones… but it was silent. The doors open and about a dozen paramedics come on. The elderly lady gets wheeled off, she didn’t look good… we really hope she’s okay! :(

On landing in Dubai we were greeted by more crew who handed us new boarding tickets and a hotel voucher due to our missed connection. I had considered convincing Gav we should spend the 10 hours exploring Dubai but we were both SO shattered we opted for food and sleep. I’ve never been that fussed on seeing Dubai anyway…

22:30 – Depart Dubai for Bangkok where we were supposed to be 5 hours ago


Gav's day takeaway:

  • Due to get into Bangkok today. HA. No!
  • We did (i hope) save a woman's life though so it's ok. I use "we" in the loosest possible sense. I observed some commotion but mostly continued watching The Matrix Revolutions.
  • Missed our connection in Dubai - obvs.
  • Staff looked as fed up in Dubai airport as they do at Gatwick – strange place.
Day 3: Arriving in Bangkok

Day 3: Arriving in Bangkok

Day 1: Bye Birmingham

Day 1: Bye Birmingham