Day 77: Snorkeling at Phi Phi Islands
Claire: We decided not to stay on the Phi Phi islands after being majorly put off by some of the horrors we’d read about the town. So instead we did a 1 day speedboat trip of the islands including some snorkelling. It was a bit of a treat but we haggled down the ticket price and it ended up being one of our top day trips so far!
Sitting in the nose of the speedboat was super fun, albeit a little bumpy. It was only about 30mins over to the first island where we went into a little lagoon on Phi Phi Leh island.
Next stop was Maya Beach, famous for featuring in the film The Beach. I didn’t spot Leonardo DiCaprio so looks like Gav will have to do!! The sand was like flour... so soft and fluffy, and the waters were bright turquoise. I’m sure it would’ve been paradise years ago before it shot to fame but now it’s brimming with tourists so not the ideal place to sit and relax. It seems our boat got there a little earlier than the others but as we were leaving just 30mins later the beach was absolutely packed with (mostly Chinese) tourists.
Our first snorkelling spot was at Monkey Point. The water was quite dark as we were shaded by rock but I saw dozens of colourful fishes. Gav didn’t like it much!
Our second snorkelling spot was much clearer. I think I’ve found a new hobby!!!
We stopped for lunch on Bamboo Island which beats Maya Beach any day. Still cannot believe the colours of the water...
Whilst Gav practises his snorkelling breathing...
Also spied MONKEYS! Although we did think they were going to jump on the boat at one point.
Our last stop was Phi Phi Don, the main town where we had an hour to wander round by ourselves. We were pretty smug we opted for a boat tour rather than stay on the island itself as the town was an eyesore! A boat tour is definitely the way to see the beautiful Phi Phi islands and swim with the fishes.
Gav's day 77 takeaway
- Humans weren't meant to breathe underwater, it freaks me out.
- I don't remember watching The Beach but I'm sure I've seen it, was it any good?
- I thought you'd pronounce Phi Phi Islands as "Fee-Fee", but apparently not, it's more amusingly pronounced "Pee-Pee". Hehe!