
This is our little diary of a our 99 days travelling South East Asia.

Day 94: Sunrise & sunsets in Koh Tao

Day 94: Sunrise & sunsets in Koh Tao

Claire: To catch out 8:30am shuttle into town for scooter hire attempt #2 we woke up for sunrise which we could admire from our bed. Bloody beautiful.

Unfortunately, we fell back to sleep afterwards and ending up missing out shuttle. Again. Hotel pool it is...


We finally got a scooter in the afternoon and off we went! It was so nice to have some independence again. We'd borrowed some snorkels from the hotel and were eager to find some fishes but all of the good spots looked quite far out at sea or really difficult to get to! After the fourth beach we gave up and just played in the crazy waves instead which was pretty fun anyway.


Being on the East coast we soon lost the sun over the mountains so we jumped on the bike back to Sairee beach for the sunset which was beautiful. Koh Tao is a really small island, just 21 km² so now we have the bike we can scoot around the mountains super fast. 


Gav's day 94 takeaway

  • Koh Tao's a bit cheaper than some of the other islands, probably due to the younger demographic.
  • Which came in handy for Valentine's day, meaning we splashed out at the most upmarket restaurant we could find/stumbled across. Seafood by Pawn was essentially an outdoor restaurant at the edge of a small car park. But don't judge a book by it's cover. The place was packed, we were lucky to serendipitously rock up and bag a table, and the tiny shack of a bar on said car park featured a bartender who sang and played guitar more than he had to serve any customers. But that was only good for us!
Day 95: Snorkelling in Koh Tao

Day 95: Snorkelling in Koh Tao

Day 93: Mae Haad & Sairee, Koh Tao

Day 93: Mae Haad & Sairee, Koh Tao