Day 46: Ong Lang, Phu Quoc
Claire: Today we moved to a different part of the island, Ong Lang. A short 15 min taxi and we arrived at our rather green resort. Eager to see the beach we dumped our things and followed the little road down to the coast. Already it felt much calmer and prettier here... much more our vibe than the Long Beach area we'd been staying that we feel must've developed too fast for it's own good!
The beach here is beautiful. There's just two resorts on this part and it's a lot less built up than where we were previously, so it felt really unspoilt. We decided to be beach bums for the day and lap up some of the sunshine too, albeit a little hazy! We're happy bunnies once again.
There's so many more restaurants around here too that are super cute. We got a table at So True, a Vietnamese street food style restaurant which was delicious. Run by some young trendy guys (which is unusual to see in Phu Quoc) it had a really nice vibe and they even gave us some free drinks after a bit of a delay with our food which was a lovely touch. We've missed good service!
Gav's day 46 takeaway
- Ahhhhh, this is the life!
- Well actually, apart from the bit when Claire in typical Claire style wanted to 'explore' the local area, 'to get her bearings'. She likes to get her bearings you see. Thing is, getting 'her bearings' always seems to involve walking to the moon and back. She'll usually glance at the map and just make assumptions about what she'd like there to be in certain places. In this instance, she wanted to trek through numerous up-market beachside hotels insisting there was some 'nice' bars and restaurants on the other side. As it turned out, there was nothing much but a very long entrance road to one of the aforementioned hotels which we found ourselves pacing along whilst being slowly and painfully beaten by the scorching midday sun! Thanks babe x