
This is our little diary of a our 99 days travelling South East Asia.

Day 26: Rainy Vang Vieng

Day 26: Rainy Vang Vieng

Rain, rain, go away, come again another day!

We spent the morning catching up on work from our cabin terrace, drinking copious amounts of coffee and eating fake Oreo cookies (they taste great).

Once the rain eventually stopped, we ventured out on the bike again which was fun for about 2 minutes. The roads were covered in sludgy puddles and we skidded a few times, especially going up and down hill. So we decide to be sensible and turn back before we got into trouble.

So we’re sat here writing this very dull post but have decided we’ll make the most of our stranded situation by catching up on lots more work. It’s much easier to work when fun things and sunshine aren’t tempting you.

I dread to think what the roads are like in rainy season?!?!


Gav's day 26 takeaway

  • Dirty trainers
Day 27: Vientiane

Day 27: Vientiane

Day 25: Pha Ngeun peak, Vang Vieng

Day 25: Pha Ngeun peak, Vang Vieng