Day 19: Tad Sae Waterfall, Luang Prabang
Claire: Today we rented another scooter to venture out to Tad Sae waterfalls, about 20km from downtown Luang Prabang. Our buddies Ryan and Lisa had been here last year and thoroughly recommend it. A very bumpy scooter ride (the roads here really are appalling... just basically gravel and holes and dust clouds from the 4x4s) and we park up at the riverside. Only accessible by boat, this lovely chappy ferries us down the Nam Khan River, which is actually the same river our hotel overlooks. And a much nicer river than the poo-ey brown Mekong.
Greeted with ELEPHANTS I was in my element!!!!
The waterfalls are really beautiful. Low level crystal clear pools with little bamboo bridge crossings, coffee shops and swimming areas.
I realise I burnt my leg on the scooter :( so the cool water was a welcomed soother!
Dinner this eve was at Tamarind and we sample Laos cuisine! Starters was a 5 sampler plate (inc buffalo & stuffed lemongrass chicken) and mains were Mok Pa —steamed herb fish in banana leaf and some kind of tofu stir fry. DELICIOUS and just £22 including a bottle of wine and G&T! (Expensive on Asian terms but cheap on London terms!)
There's a nationwide curfew in Laos which means we don't feel sad for being in bed by 10pm. It's the law here, y'know.
Although we arrive home to a mosquito net on the hotel terrace outside the entrance. I ask Gav what is that and he said it must be a dog in there but as we get closer a small man climbed out in panic. So strange. Who is he? and why is he sleeping outside our hotel in a mosquito net?! We shall ask tomorrow...
Gav's day 19 takeaway
- In Lao, it would seem it's encouraged that school kids should get around by scooter and cruise along the waterfront with their mates on the back in packs of 5 or 6. It seems the 'cool' way to sit on the back is with your legs hanging to one side, (no helmet required), and perched loosely enough that at any moment you could fall sideways under an oncoming tuk tuk.
- We did none of the above.
- Also, my tummy is a little dodgy today. Not, I can't leave the bathroom funny, but just like I need to concentrate on keeping everything together dodgy. Y'know?